Second Edition

by Tracy Shawn

Narrated by: Caroline Hewitt

Production by: Tracy Shawn

A Trip Down Anxiety Lane!

Saylor Crawmore has severe anxieties which have created issues with her relationships. We observe how they manifest in her relationships with her mother, husband, and children, and her work and life overall. She notices anxiety appearing in various forms and intensities in her children as well. A chance encounter with an old acquaintance helps her confront her memories and anxieties. It is this encounter that triggers her remembering long forgotten memories revealing the origins of her anxieties.

The author, Tracy Shawn, crafts a complex yet accessible story about relationships and the pivotal role anxiety and other disorders play in everyone’s lives. Each character and their struggles are thoughtfully developed with ample background and present-day details to illustrate the impact of anxiety with each encounter. The plot is well detailed and the plot twist is well executed. The dialogue was well done and felt authentic to the narrative and to each character.

Caroline Hewitt, the narrator, gave a strong performance and her strong abilities at pacing, building suspense, and providing moments of reflection were engaging for the listeners. She smoothly slipped into each character, transporting the listener deeper into the story. Hewitt spoke clearly and smoothly, infusing her voice with the proper emotion and nuance.

Suffering from anxiety myself, this story provides insight for the sufferer and their circle of supporters. It is a rich narrative that allows the listener to be transported into Saylor’s world. I recommend this audiobook.

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-biased, honest review.